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5 Quick Tips to Tune Up Your Organization
by Robb Hansen

Not long ago I stood on the sidewalk outside my house and looked up at the roof:  dark lines of rainwater stains; a sag here and there; even a couple of little plants sticking out of the gutter (Yes, I know I can clean those out!).  What I couldn't see was where the roof leaked into our family room.  I knew I had a problem and I needed help getting it fixed.

How long has it been since you've "stood on the sidewalk" and looked at your organization?  Whether it's time for a new strategic plan or simply an evaluation of operational procedures, time set aside for examining your organization is rarely wasted.  Here are 5 quick tips on how to help you get started.

Tip #1 - Take the Time to Plan

Set aside a day for your key leadership personnel to take a reatreat and examine your organization's mission, values, goals and objectives.

Tip #2 - Attend someone else's planning meeting

Do you sit on any boards for other organizations? Do they have planning days? Why not attend one of them. You'll make a valuable contribution to them and you'll pick up a few fresh ideas for your own organization. Or maybe one of your board members will have a planning event for his business. Attending could bring a new perspective on your organization's challenges.

Tip #3 - Visit another organization

Pick another nonprofit larger than your own. Take a tour. Meet with key staff and learn about how they do what they do, how they allocate personnel, and so on. Understanding another organization can often let you see your own with new eyes.

Tip #4 - Get an outside perspective

HIre someone to help you look critically at what you do. Not everyone has the same gifts. Believe it or not there are people who have a knack for identify links between problems you see, and can suggest intelligent solutions to fix them. Sure you'll have to pay for such insight, but the investment might just be worth it.

Tip #5 - Attend the right professional event

Too many nonprofit heads feel they haven't got tme to go to a conference to sharpen their own skills. This is a mistake. Everyone can learn something. Why not attend the conference that one of your key colleagues attends every year?

For example, if there's a fund raising and development conference your chief advancement officer attends, why not go with him? You'll learn alot about the challenges staff face in fund raising "in the trenches." You'll pick up a few good ideas on how to improve the role you're called on to fill in this critical area more effectively.

Check back often for new ideas and tips here at Next Level Insights. For more information call us at 1-866-524-2654 or email

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